Monday, February 20, 2012

Planet Earth: Missing Chromium Is Clue to Planet Formation

Early in the formation of Earth, some forms of the element chromium separated and disappeared deep into the planet's core, a new study...Read More

Water Was Present During Birth of Earth, Study of Silver Suggests

Tiny variations in the isotopic composition of silver in meteorites and Earth rocks are helping scientists put together a timetable of how our planet was assembled beginning 4.568 billion years ago. ... Full Story

Colo. bill would legalize gold, silver currency

(CBS News) DENVER - Colorado State Senators will consider a bill that would allow people to use gold and silver as currency. A similar measure is already in place in Utah and is being considered in 12 other states, reports CBS Station KCNC. Supporters are concerned about the strength of the U.S. dollar. Full Story

Saturday, January 28, 2012


(Fairbanks, AK) — The state today released Alaska’s Mineral Industry 2010, an annual report published by the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) and the Department of Commerce, Community & Economic Development’s Division of Economic Development (DED). This is the divisions’ 30th consecutive annual report on the state’s mineral industry. The 96-page report shows that Alaska’s mineral industry grew significantly in 2010 in terms of exploration spending, production value, and jobs.

Full Text of Press Release, Alaska DNR

More Gold Bearing Quartz Veins

Here's another photo of some gold bearing quartz veins from one of our Alaskan projects. Further exploration and evaluation is planned.

Friday, January 27, 2012

"Discovering Alaska's Mineral Resources."

This is an image of one of the gold-bearing quartz veins we found at one of our Alaskan projects. The rock hammer is for scale, and is 14" long.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Governor Calls for Federal Action To Secure Domestic Rare Earth Minerals

May 24, 2011, Juneau, Alaska - Governor Sean Parnell today stepped up his efforts to engage the federal government in developing Alaska’s rare earth resources. Responding to a U.S. Department of Energy request for information on the use of rare earth minerals in the energy sector, the governor submitted comments detailing how rare earth elements (REE) produced from Alaska can be part of a strong national security and research framework.

“Rare earth minerals are critical to our economy, military, and particularly important to renewable energy development,” Governor Parnell said. “While I appreciate the most recent response from Secretary Salazar to my inquiries that the USGS will begin a nationwide survey of rare earth deposits in 2013, I would like to see the USGS participating now with the State of Alaska in the statewide inventory that the Department of Natural Resources will start conducting this summer.”

China, which provides 97 percent of the world’s supply of rare earths, recently warned the United States and other countries to find their own supplies because China needs its rare earth minerals for its own use. Alaska has tremendous rare earth potential. The State of Alaska is moving ahead with a multi-year inventory process of areas in Alaska with rare earth potential. The governor included funding for a rare earth inventory in Alaska in his capital budget.

“With over 70 potential REE sites, Alaska is in a position to provide significant amounts of REEs to the nation,” Governor Parnell wrote to Energy Secretary Steven Chu. “The federal government simply cannot afford to sit on the sidelines as other countries move aggressively to develop new mines and build a globally competitive research branch.”

Source: Office of the Governor